South DaCola

Sweet Vernon ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown, thurd place, again . . .

While I would have loved to seen a runoff between Brown and Staggers, his 3rd place does not surprise me one bit. While Vernon is a nice guy and a decent councilor, he just can’t resist to spend taxpayer’s money on crap we don’t really need, and the voting public has noticed. Remember, the first candidate to talk about fiscal responsibility and has practiced it his whole political life is Staggers, and guess what, he got first place last night. Huether, who has followed the ‘fiscal responsibility’ road came in second. I will give Vernon credit for one thing, he has never shied away from bragging about spending our money on monkey crappers, in fact, he has bragged about it. But at the end of the day, people prefer a (tax-cutting) knife over a sweet velvet hammer.

At least Brown and Erpenbach now can play patty-cake on the city council together.

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