Everyday I Google Kermit and Mike’s names to see what pops up. Today I had a surprise, a Google ad linking my site. I have no idea who is behind this, but I am checking into it.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Who bought these Google Ads? I wish I knew.”
  1. I figured it out. They have taken it down but I told them they could continue if they wanted to. It wasn’t Kermit’s campaign but an individual supporter.

  2. Is it true that Huether’s got a new campaign slogan ?

    “Vote Huether- The best government that union money can buy !”

  3. Google is paid but also number of hits. Perhaps this site gets major hits and there is no purchased space.

    I’ve learned there’s local media partiality and check here for the side that’s not reported.

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