By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Write your own caption”
  1. Mike: “You’re right Tom… these round glasses really do make me look younger”

    Tom: “Yep – and just wait until you add a splash of color… that Sally Jesse Raphael is a genius!”

    Oh a sidenote – have you noticed the number of Huether letters the Argus is printing in comparison to the number of Staggers letters? It is like a six to one ratio!

    Could they be any more obvious about their bias???

  2. “Tom, I am so glad you cold stand in for my old boss T Denny for this photo shoot.”

    “No problem Mike, and I really like the way ‘Sandford Dome’ sounds for the new events center.”

  3. Could they be any more obvious about their bias???

    I don’t think they could. In fact, a couple of days ago on their page where they put political endorsements, there were only two. One anti Kermit, one pro huether. Pretty damn obvious who the argus wants.

  4. Tom: “Thanks Mike, for helping me blow up all these balloons.”

    Mike: “No problem, pal. As you can see I’ve got plenty of hot air and can blow it from both sides of my mouth. Using only one side can be quite taxing.”

    Tom: “Uh, let’s not talk about taxes, okay?”

  5. My Man, getting your picture with me was a good idea. SD people are suckers.

    Tell me about it Tom. I just copy and paste shit from other peoples websites and I got in 2nd place!

  6. The Huether crowd is pretty great at spam, as evidenced by those idiotic Argus letters and yesterday’s idiotic comments on another thread on this site.

  7. My Man Mike: “Hey Tom, do you mind if I put words in your mouth that endorse my candidacy?”

    Tom: “”

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