South DaCola

Clarifying Rand Paul – This is a tough one

While I think it can be very difficult as a social liberal to defend some of Rand’s comments, I do defend some of the things he says;


I unequivically disagree with Rand and his stance on the Civil Rights Act. Discrimination needed to be reigned in, publicly and privately. One of the reasons why I support gay marriage and equality rights for gays is because equal rights should be afforded to everyone in this country, but as Rand Paul points out in the NPR interview, we must take common sense steps while achieving equality. He brings up the ADA. I agree with him, why not let local businesses and communities solve these issues, why let the Feds mandate these programs? Can’t we use common sense to solve problems instead of an across the board approach? I think that is really what Rand is talking about.

As for his rants about the liberal media (who is owned by rich, well-connected Republicans) and his affiliation with the tea-party movement (who is funded by rich, well-connected Republicans, the Koch Brothers in particular) Puhleeeeese! You are not fooling anyone.

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