South DaCola

Ironic Johnny; What you don’t know can’t hurt yah

Seems Ironic Johnny has watched one too many episodes of MASH

Even though dozens of top US military officials and other developed countries support openly gay soldiers, John Thune once again just can’t accept reality;

WASHINGTON – Sen. John Thune is labeling as “reckless” efforts by President Obama and some Democrats to overturn the law that bans openly gay men and women from serving in the military. Thune said military leaders haven’t properly reviewed its effect on troop morale.

On the eve of a vote by the Armed Services Committee – on which the South Dakota Republican serves – Thune told reporters Wednesday that a compromise by the White House to lift the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban but still give military leaders discretion on how and when to do so would hurt national security.

Even though he doesn’t seem to have a problem with them serving ‘quietly’ – many of which are in the intelligence ranks and interpret Arabic. At least Johnson has a clue;

Sen. Tim Johnson said: “As things stand now, any repeal would go into effect only after the study is completed and military leaders and the president give the go-ahead. Once that happens, I support ending “don’t ask, don’t tell” because any individual who is willing and able to defend our country should be able to do so, regardless of their sexual orientation. My view is shared not only by the administration but top military leaders as well.”

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