Speakers at NRA convention target Washington, midterms, CNN

Speakers at the National Rifle Association’s annual leadership forum on Friday touted Second Amendment rights and also set their sights on the upcoming midterm elections.

Sarah Palin told the crowd in Charlotte, North Carolina, that the “lamestream media” is using propaganda to make guns seem more dangerous — and not the criminals behind them.

“Criminals, of course, are to blame for crimes. It’s the bad guys, not the piece of metal, that’s to blame,” she told the crowd. “Anti-Second Amendment gun laws don’t offend them [criminals] — they don’t care what kind of gun laws are passed.”

Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, told the crowd there are two competing visions about the future of the country.

“One consists of more government and less freedom, and one consists of less government and more freedom,” he said. “And right now, unfortunately, the prevailing vision in Washington D.C. is that of government. More and more government.”

Barbour, Palin and Thune are among those considered possible GOP presidential nominees in 2012.

Thune talks about More Government? Hardy, Har, Har, Har. This is the same guy who proposed the largest Federal loan to a private company in the history of our country long before the recession and TARP to a company he lobbied for before he was a senator, DM & E Railroad.

If his hypocrisy wasn’t so hilarious it would be pathetic. Wait. It is pathetic.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Johnny get your gun (H/T -Helga)”
  1. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-05-13/the-gops-fresh-2012-faces/?cid=hp:mainpromo3
    Funny story that says Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels or South Dakota Senator John Thune are likely to gain traction for the 2012 race. Considering that Thune never makes it in any of the test polls and who the heck remember Mitch Daniels, they shouldn’t start measuring for drapes.
    Mark McKinnon ends by saying “Maybe they’ll both fade in the backstretch, or perhaps even scratch before the race is run.” Ya Think?

  2. “One consists of more government and less freedom, and one consists of less government and more freedom,” he said. “And right now, unfortunately, the prevailing vision in Washington D.C. is that of government. More and more government.”

    And sadly both parties are going after the first one!

  3. Ya I see how that “we don’t need no stinkin’ government” is working out for the southern states. A little oil shows up and they all have their hands out for government money for clean up, lost jobs, lost tourism, all kinds of things. Bobby Jindal was the first with his hand out which is really funny considering all of his previous remarks…….he didn’t want any government handouts along with Haley Barbour.

  4. It strikes me as odd that NRA puppets like Thune, Palin, et. al. keep insisting that it would be just WONDERFUL if muslims, chicanos, bikers, gang members, and all other U.S. citizens could strap on side-arms and walk down the street – as well as go into bars while armed.

    And legally own assault weapons, too. Also.

    …or – maybe they think relaxed gun regulations would only pertain to rich, WHITE XTIAN citizens?

    Someone should ask them sometime – preferably on camera.

  5. I believe in 2nd Amendment rights, but also believe within reason. It’s kinda like abstinence education. While I don’t have a problem with teaching abstinence, you must also teach comprehensive sex ed in conjunction. In other words, gun laws need to reflect the state or community.

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