100 Day Plan, without cuss words of course.

“South Dakotans are not dumb.”  . . .  Thanks Mike!

Mike also brings up the ‘Daggers’ that went after him in the last two weeks of the campaign. Guess what, Mike, my ‘Dagger’ is still sharp, and as a public official, expect to be poked quite a bit. Gotta love Jon Wilson. He chided Mike and laughed and said that it wasn’t that bad. I would agree. If Mike thinks my crappy little blog is ‘hurtful’ I can’t wait for the AP and other ‘reputable’ news sources to start pulling out their daggers, better buy a suit of armor.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Mayor Subprime’s first interview”
  1. Most corporate executives exhibit very thin skin, after all they are smarter than the rest of us, just ask them. They are frequently used to corporate cheerleading, to an atmosphere of my-way-or-the-highway. It would be surprising to see a free-flow of give-and-take with ideas.

    We shall see.

  2. Seems so? Huh?

    I was amused by his choice of words. He kicked Kermit’s ass, and just one day later he had no plans for the city (he really didn’t) and the only thing he could talk about was the ‘daggers’? He needs to grow a sack, and quick.

    While I think I was hard on him, it was no secret that I was a Staggers supporter, and secondly, my stuff was based on the truth. Mike cussed in a radio studio, he marketed subprime credit cards, he avoided questions, it is all true. He is just mad we did not believe his bullshit.

    He is so used to suckering people like me in the CC industry, he can’t figure out why we he can’t sucker me now.

    I am still baffled why he chose to bring a cry rag to this interview? You won dude. What more do you want?

  3. He did well with the ageism angle. Welcome to the company town, brother.

  4. I am a little disappointed at your readiness to attack Mike with your daggers. Why not give the guy an actual chance, instead of immediately attacking his first speech? It appears that you will always find little things to be mad at him about.

    As for your truthful arguments that will make him a poor mayor: 1: Our own vice president of the US has dropped the f-bomb in a speech. That does not make him a bad representative. 2. His company may have suckered people, but give me a break…it’s a credit card. Every person with a credit card knows what happens if you don’t pay it off at the end of the month. Credit cards are quite a simple concept. Charge the money, pay it off at the end of the month, or else don’t buy it in the first place.
    3. I don’t think the man is going to sucker us. He just doesn’t have it all worked out yet. This isn’t necesarily a bad thing. For someone like yourself, who has never been under the scrutiny of the public political eye, I find it hard that you can judge him so quickly.
    Give him a chance at least.

  5. I have given Mr. Huether plenty of chances. I gave him a chance to give a detailed plan on how he is going to build an EC. Still waiting. I gave him a chance to answer whether or not he planned on running for governor, still no answer. I gave Mike a chance to explain just ‘what he did’ at First Premier Bankcard, besides ‘managing people’. Still no straight answer. I have a hard time giving a person a chance who has repeatedly dodged questions, simple questions, when they are asked of him then turns around and accuses his opponents of doing ‘hurtful’ things. How is asking and expecting Mike to give us the truth ‘hurtful’? This blog could disappear tomorrow, maybe it will, but if you think there will be no criticisms of Mike, besides here over the next 4 years, you are f’ing crazy.

    I don’t think it is the lack of answers that bothers me the most about Mike, it is the lack of thick skin. I actually am starting to think he is pretty funny, and I think he will give me a lot more fodder for this blog then Munson and Knudson did combined. It is one thing to say what you are going to do, it is another thing to put those words into action. Ask Obama how that is working out for him.

    I wish him luck, but he will never gain my respect until he starts telling the truth and putting that truth into action.

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