South DaCola

And the Argus Leader wonders why the public is misinformed about elections

This internet poll may be part of the problem;

And this letter writer sums up the rest of it;

Then there was your bumbling coverage and early endorsements around the mayoral election. I read intently when you wrote an editorial bemoaning the fact that voter turnout and local political interest is low. I noticed you chose to give a public forum to what you called a “shameful” rumor about Mayor Mike Huether having a “gay agenda.” (I didn’t hear the whispers; did anybody else?)

Well, if you read Pasture DooHickey’s blog everyday you would have heard the whispers.

Perhaps people are discouraged because they read the Argus Leader. If you ever go back to reporting the news instead of trying to anticipate which politically stilted spin you think the public wants to hear, perhaps I will subscribe again.

Just like I said on Sunday, BLOGS are impartial, newspapers should not be.

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