Not just a formidable political opponent, but big hair rockin’, barrel ropin’ barracuda. Growl.

The Argus Leader’s ONLY working journalist, Ellis had this to say about the matchup;

Both sides will try to pin the “extremist” label on the other. Democrats sprang into action after Noem’s victory Tuesday, calling her “South Dakota’s Sarah Palin.” The same statement from the party’s executive director, Erin McCarrick, called Noem an “extremist … who isn’t ready to lead and has demonstrated a troubling lack of understanding of the challenges facing our state.”

NO wonder I don’t like the Democrats anymore, they steal all of my quips. I’m waiting for the Herseth-Sandals Vacation campaign to start paying me under the table to skewer Mrs. Noem, think Jon Lauck and his slimy pro-Thune blog that he was getting paid under the table to author while working for the state at SDSU. Accept I don’t work for the state, and I’m not a slimeball, just a dick.

16 Thoughts on “New polls show that Noem will beat Herseth-Sandlin because she has a bigger hair ‘bump’?

  1. Plaintiff Guy on June 13, 2010 at 6:33 am said:

    Actually, this rodeo queen would look good with a 60’s style beehive.

  2. redhatterb on June 13, 2010 at 6:47 pm said:

    To me it kind of looks like she is trying to imitate Sarah Palin, who in turn is wearing her hair the way Priscilla Presley did back in the 60s/70s.

  3. I called her the Palin of SD a long time ago and I noticed it showed up in the daily rag today.

  4. Ghost of Dude on June 14, 2010 at 9:02 am said:

    As long as she doesn’t start palling around with Michelle Bachmann, she’s alright.

    Anyone calling Stephanie an extremist deserves everyone within earshot to point and laugh at them.

  5. Plaintiff Guy on June 14, 2010 at 9:41 am said:

    She’s against abortion. Doesn’t matter for seat in congress but might prevent her from getting elected. Also, no degree. May or may not matter to most but could be the few votes she needs.

  6. Should be a fun one to watch.

  7. bartonf on June 14, 2010 at 11:35 am said:

    The way things are now Noem’s lack of degree will be an asset while Herseth’s Georgetown background will be a liability. For Herseth to win she’s going to need a silent majority

  8. Well, I think the silent majority generally carries the day anyway. Despite the rhetoric heard on the cable news channels and talk radio, the vast majority of the people are somewhere between the “secular left” or Tea Baggers. The more wing nutty Noem acts the less shot she has at winning.

  9. midwestnorwegian on June 14, 2010 at 4:27 pm said:

    Hope she puts the home-wrecker Herseth-Sandlin out of work.

  10. Plaintiff Guy on June 14, 2010 at 4:43 pm said:

    bartonf & Scott,

    Agreed, somewhat. Georgetown is Wash DC. Herseth has become more DC than SD. She married and conceived there. She’s left SD behind. Noem should get SD attention and federal money. I still don’t like her abortion stance.

  11. redhatterb on June 14, 2010 at 6:30 pm said:

    I would have sworn that Stephanie got married in SD. As far was where she conceived, it could have been any place in the country when she was traveling, I’m sure her husband went with her a lot of the time.

  12. l3wis on June 14, 2010 at 6:48 pm said:

    MWN – Well, I don’t always agree with Steffy and I think she is a really weak congressperson who is too wishy washy on many issues, but I have never heard anybody call her a home-wrecker. WTF are you talking about?

  13. GOHUNT on August 6, 2010 at 3:49 am said:

    redhatterb/Plaintiff Guy/John2 : You guys really are afraid of Kristi. That she has more on the ball than you do is a given. You must be afraid she may end your reliance on welfare and unemployment. Run scared – you should. A new day will start after November 2nd.

  14. sandman on August 17, 2010 at 10:28 pm said:

    Gohunt, A new day on Nov. 2? Please. Kristi has got more payments from the government than anyone on unemployment or welfare ever has. Her victory will only ensure it continues.

  15. Steve Olson on September 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm said:

    Kristi Noem may have her reasons for not liking Nancy Pelosi. Jack Paar once said about Dorothy Kilgallen, “I can’t take anything serious coming from a person who has no chin.” Nancy Pelosi has no eyelids. Go figure.

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