South DaCola

The Rapid City Journal’s endorsement of Knudson is no surprise

UPDATE: The Gargoyle Leader follows suit

Will the Gargoyle Leader follow suit?

Senate Majority Leader Dave Knudson led the long overdue movement to cut state spending this legislative session and knows that more cuts will be necessary to tackle the projected deficits which lie ahead. While the state’s Republican legislative and executive leaders have all been guilty of overspending and underestimating the impact of the nation’s recession, at least Knudson tried – albeit a little late in the session – to rein in spending in Pierre.

Knudson’s approach is in contrast to the governor and lieutenant governor, who support dipping into the reserves and not addressing the fundamental issue which so many Americans are demanding this year: Reduce government spending.

Knudson is looking for ways to increase funding for our K-12 education system, and would like to retool the current formula to allow state school districts to receive additional revenues when the state prospers.

Knudson became an advocate for open government and open records in 2009 – following in a path carved out by former attorney general Larry Long and Sen. Nancy Turbak Berry. Knudson helped get SB 147 passed which presumes state’s records to be open, no small feat in a state which is desperately far behind when it comes to supporting a public’s right to know.

Knudson believes our infrastructure needs improvement, and has the courage to outline how he would pay for it. A gas tax increase and license plate fee increase may not be popular, but credit him for his honesty and for giving specific funding sources for his initiatives.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, and have said all along, Doogard probably has this all wrapped up. But it is clear Dave Knudson is the most qualified candidate in the race, and maybe with endorsements from both the RCJ and the AL, he may be able to sneak by Doogard. I know a battle between Dave and Scott would be fun to watch. One being an ex-Dem and the other an ex-Rep, not to mention all the legislation they have worked on together, it could be a finger pointing death match to the end, or a chummy-chummy hugfest of barforific proportions.

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