The Gargoyle Leader editorial board touched on the rate increase proposals in Sioux Falls today, but they didn’t go far enough;

The item residents had most advance warning on is water rates. In order to pay for the city’s portion of the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, officials began with annual increases in 2007 that have amounted to a total of 54 percent.

First off, the AL ED board fails to mention that 1) We shouldn’t have paid in advance for something we have not gotten yet (Lewis & Clark) and secondly most of the increases in water fees will go to reserves and new development. While I still think this town is growing to fast, I am not opposed to expanding our water and sewer for new development (though I think developers should pay most of the cost), what bothers me the most is raising rates during an awful recession simply to add to reserve funds. While the rest of us are struggling to pay bills let alone SAVE or INVEST money, the city is raising rates so they can have a savings account? WTF?! If the new council had any balls whatsoever (which I don’t think they do) they would vote down the rate increases, for at least 12 months.

One Thought on “There is only one reason we need to raise water rates in SF; GREED

  1. John2 on June 10, 2010 at 10:40 am said:

    Again, development NEVER pays for itself. It privatizes profits while socializing costs. Make development internalize costs, be self-sufficient and it will probably become responsible development.

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