There has been a lot of ‘rumors’ floating around about why the director of SEAC quit and what might happen to the Horse Barn Arts Center (HBAC). Let’s not focus on them, let’s just look at the facts;

• The Director of SEAC quit, on her own without pressure from the board of SEAC.

• The board president of SEAC is David Merhib, he is also the director of the Visual Arts Center at the Pavilion (something some may consider a conflict of interest).

• Both the HBAC and VAC offer classes to adults and children, the HBAC is significantly cheaper or free.

• Funding MAY be running out soon for SEAC.

• The new director of SEAC, Nan Baker is married to Bob Baker of First National Bank, large contributors to the Pavilion. Nan also served on the SculptureWalk board.

Okay, so what this all mean? Is the Pavilion sneaking their own people into the organizational levels of SEAC in hopes to destroy it from within? Not sure. I guess we will see.

Ironically, Merhib, who draws a paycheck from the taxpayers of Sioux Falls doesn’t even live here – he lives in Brookings. I’m glad to see they found someone from SIOUX FALLS  to be board president of the SIOUX EMPIRE ARTS COUNCIL! This whole thing smells fishier then Falls Park on a hot August day.

4 Thoughts on “What’s goin’ on with the Sioux Empire Arts Council and the Pavilion?

  1. Helga on June 21, 2010 at 12:37 am said:

    Is one to think that the Pavilion doesn’t want any competition and thus wants to shut down the Horse Barn and leave no place for the artists at the Horse Barn to go?

  2. l3wis on June 21, 2010 at 4:09 am said:

    Not sure, but that would be the assumption at this point. I have a feeling they will just let the money run out and use that as an excuse to let it go by the wayside.

  3. Helga on June 21, 2010 at 1:24 pm said:

    How many millions has the Pavilion received already?
    Trying to shut down the Horse Barn seems over handed and nasty to me.

  4. l3wis on June 21, 2010 at 7:27 pm said:

    Exactly. I hope someone is watching them. I avoid the big purple building these days.

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