Looks like city attorney Tornow ate too much of the US Constitution. I never knew the fifth amendment could be so filling (screenshot from KELO-TV video).

Here’s an update on the ethics complaint against Staggers.

Tornow also says he thinks the city’s ordinance is in conflict with state law, which is why Staggers says he wants changes to the way the board of ethics operates.

“I wish your best in the consideration of the proposed ordinance which would make it clearer or more explicit in allowing an accused person of an ethics complaint to allow the complaint to be made public. This ordinance that needs to be passed,” Staggers said.

Well isn’t it your freaking job to follow state law? If you know it is in violation, as a lawyer wouldn’t you follow state law instead of protecting the city? You should put a gigantic sticker on the City Attorney’s door at city hall, “The Fifth Amendment is not allowed here.”

Ethicsboardminutes. This is a PDF.

ethicscomplaint. This is a PDF.

response-staggers This is a PDF.

Tornow needs to get a fire estinguisher for his pants;

Owen asked Tornow whether he felt Staggers had adequate notice of what the board was investigating. Tornow replied: “It isn’t how I feel like, it’s how I read the ordinance.” And he said it was “absolutely untrue” that Staggers didn’t receive proper notice, to which Staggers replied, “What are you talking about, Shawn?”

This guy tells so many lies, he begins to believe them. It infuriates me that he still is collecting a paycheck from my taxes. He should be fired, disbarred and ran out of town for his violations against the US Constitution.


By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Witch Hunt”
  1. Did he really show up to the hearing in a dingy polo shirt?

    I’m surprised Tornow still has a job. There are so many bright attorneys in this town who could do a much better job. Tornow just seems lazy and like he doesn’t give a shit.

  2. Funny you bring up his polo shirt. I told Kermit yesterday that he is a ‘slob’. And what was that book he was carrying? The Anarchist’s cookbook?

    I think PG is right, I think he is trying to get fired, because according to civil service rules he could probably get a big settlement, but of course, Shawn doesn’t have a good track record of winning in court . . .

  3. Rumor has it Huether wants him gone. Considering the power of the civil service union, I doubt (and hope) that’ll not happen.

    Keep him around. He’s going to be principle witness in future state supreme court cases. He makes more retired so keep him in a damp dripping cell in the basement of city hall.

    After state court, Porky can give us one final ‘Bida, Bida, that’s all folks’.

  4. Oh, I have also heard that Mike wants him gone, but you would think that Mike would like someone like Shawn, a person who is capable of twisting laws to benefit leadership – something the CC industry is very good at.

  5. I too have heard that Mike wants him gone. Probably cannot find anyone competent and with any experience for what they are willing to pay.

  6. Yeah, because Shawn is so ‘competent.’

    Maybe they could put a hot tub in Shawn’s office and get one of the Zoo’s new snow monkeys to take the job.

  7. Tornow and the code enforcer are together a lot.

    J. Edgar Hoover & Tolson?

    An oversize mauvy polo just ain’t so bad. Try not to imagine Tornow in a dress and heels.

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