South DaCola

Would love to meet this salesman

This story was done a long time ago, I think by Stormland TV News. While I don’t have a problem with the parking attendants using a vehicle like this, I’m curious who was the salesperson was that suckered them into paying $10,000 for an electric trike? Seems a little spendy to me considering you can buy a moped for about $500.

And, didn’t these attendants know what they were getting themselves into when they took this job? Did they think a magic carpet was going to float them around on the streets of downtown.

I have waited tables for 10 years, and I don’t think I have ever seen electric scooters transporting us around the restaurant. Even though Gigglebees had a robotic coyote deliver your pizza.

And mail carriers don’t ride scooters. Only in Sioux Falls would we give in to such a silly request. I guess I would have met half way and gave them a three-wheeled bicycle to ride, one that didn’t cost $10,000 of course.

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