You think rock & wood thingy is FREE? Pay up bitches!

During the city election campaign I told a candidate for the city council what makes are city great; PARKS & LOW CRIME. In fact it doesn’t take a freaking rocket scientist to figure it out, just a parenting magazine;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Many families are spending Father’s Day honoring the men in their lives and for some that means spending time together doing activities. The Family Fishing Park near Sioux Falls was a hot spot today. It’s one of dozens of parks in the area and according to Parenting Magazine, it’s also one of the top cities for families.

Sioux Falls ranks at number 11. The results are tallied by considering the city’s crime rate, unemployment rate and numerous recreational areas. Those enjoying what Sioux Falls has to offer agree the city deserves its rating.

What makes are parks great? Most of them are FREE (sure, we pay taxes to have them maintained). But a part of me worries a bit. The Parks department has been continuing to raise rates for certain amenities. Are they going to start nickel and diming us for stuff we already pay for thru taxes? How pathetic would it be to have to pay a toll to ride on our bike trails? I have often thought out trails are ‘extravagant’ (ie, we could have functional trails for a lot less) and that some day we would pay the piper. We have expanded them during good economic times, now we want to maintain them and the money has ran out. Go figure. Deal. Cut back. Make sacrifices, like the rest of us have. Like I said before, this isn’t rocket science, just third grade math.

Keep our parks, Keep our cops (even Gaye Mustache) just do it on the cheap.

5 Thoughts on “Yah Think?

  1. Buzz Evenrude on June 20, 2010 at 10:20 pm said:

    Very good point. Start hacking away at Public Safety and everything else goes with it. Think you seen too many cop cars on your way to work today? Better then too many gangbangers. Been to Sioux City or Worthington lately? They both have a much smaller population base and yet the crime rate is thru the roof

  2. l3wis on June 21, 2010 at 4:06 am said:

    I agree. During these times we must focus on Public safety, infrastructure and our parks and start cutting back on monkey crappers.

  3. Hammerhead on June 21, 2010 at 4:14 am said:

    I for one use them all the time and it is nice to see families biking, couple walking, people roller blading or jogging on them. How could SF have function trails for a lot less? You can’t roller blade on gravel and there wouldn’t be as many families biking on gravel either.

  4. l3wis on June 21, 2010 at 4:31 am said:

    HH- That isn’t what I mean. I’m talking about ‘cosmetic’ ammenities like rock and wood thingies in our parks.

  5. Plaintiff Guy on June 21, 2010 at 10:07 am said:

    Well duh, it’s called city services. It’s what we pay property and sales taxes for.

    They spend it on extravagant city employees/retirees packages.

    Cut salarys or terminate the city upper eschelon. Use proceeds to hire more police and maintain parks.

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