South DaCola

Yeah, let’s throw another cool million at an Events Center plan

It seems the only economic impact an Events Center is having on our community is in a consultant’s bank account;

Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether on Monday unveiled his five-year capital spending plan, which includes $1 million for planning and designing a new events center . . .

Holy Shit! Greg Jamison, the voice of reason?!

The events center expense surprised City Councilor Greg Jamison. “I don’t know if at this moment it’s a good idea to spend a million dollars on something that we don’t have a solid plan on financing,” he said.

EXACTLY! FINALLY A CITY COUNCILOR GETS IT! Secure the funding then talk plans. How many times do we have to let this thing fail before we get it? The public will not support this until we have a solid funding source. I find it a little odd that a mayor who is concerned about cell phone usage and office printers would throw another million into the Events Center burn barrel. We have enough studies already. Put a funding source on the ballot and move forward already.

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