South DaCola

Combat gambling with more gambling? Stupid is as stupid does.

Can’t wait to hear the deets on this one;

Sen. Scott Heidepriem at this hour is discussing a plan to build a casino in Sioux Falls to compete with a casino and resort complex now under construction in Lyon County, Iowa.

UPDATE: Is it just me, or is it blatantly obvious that Heidi-Scott has some clients pressuring him about this?

“I simply can’t condone their efforts to pickpocket their neighbors,” said Arndt, who originally is from Iowa.

Pickpocket? C’mon! Arndt and Heidi-Scott are so clearly out of touch with voters on this issue. If you polled Sioux Falls residents, most of them would probably agree that the (Lyon county) casino is a positive thing. I don’t want a governor who is concerned about SD VL casino owner’ profits. I want a governor that is concerned about jobs, sales tax revenue and affordable entertainment, all of these things will be provided by the Iowa casino. Grow a brain. Your press conference borders on the ridiculous.

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