South DaCola

Just what we need at City Hall, more beauracrats – not!

While I’m not a fan of the AL ed board, they do get it right on occasion;

City Council doesn’t need another committee to oversee its contracts with private firms

It’s hard to see how hiring a compliance officer or creating an oversight committee to monitor the city’s contracts with private companies will improve management of those agreements.

It’s no secret that ‘certain’ contracts were handed to ‘certain’ contractors under Munson’s administration. This was apparent with the Pavilion window’s bid that came way under then originally budgeted when a contractor that doesn’t normally do city work put a bid in. The city was obviously letting certain contractors to bilk taxpayers for a long time. But believe it or not, I actually trust Mike won’t pull those kind of favors. If the rules are followed there is no reason to be too concerned that contracts are not being honored honestly and economically.

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