I watched Mayor Huether on Inside STORMLAND last night (the video will probably post later today).

He gave a great interview, but how couldn’t he? Jorgi threw so many softballs, it was hard not to. I also realized that Mike really likes Mike. I also wondered where was his opposition during the interview? There wasn’t one single council member that has an opposite view of the budget willing to be interviewed? C’mon.

There were some parts of the interview that I was a little suspicious about (besides the fact that Mike thinks highly of himself). He was being very secretive about the Events Center plan and this ‘supposed’ partnership to build a Rec Center.

I will give Jorgi credit on one of his questions about the Events Center; He asked why we would be putting money aside to draw up ANOTHER Events Center plan when we already have one (actually we have several.) A Mexican hat dance ensues.

UPDATE: He also goes into speech at the beginning of the Informational meeting today about how well he communicates with the council, basically implicating that the media isn’t telling the whole story, or at least not Mike’s version of the story.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Mike is really into Mike”
  1. I was at Wiley’s outside tables Saturday nite when the Harley parade started. The very first convertible in the parade was occupied by “honest mike” whooping and carryin on like a middle school cheerleader. Then came a dozen or so vehicles with “Make A Wish” kids, then the Harleys. Once again, honest mike made every effort to outshine a fundraiser for Make A Wish. The guy is not only clueless, but classless.

  2. Watch at least the first part of the KELO interview. He carries on and on about his corporate experience making him more qualified to be mayor. He sure loves the media. I wonder how much he will like it when his campaign gets tied to the ethics complaint by the two Union member police officers.

  3. He always uses the hands out front holding signal.

    Don’t you want to put a ______________ in them so you don’t have to look at or hear from him?

    Fill in the blank:

    Beach ball
    BP oil glob
    Soccer ball sculpture (soccer fields)
    Cow paddy

    Give us our freedom. Repeal Home Rule. Then you’ll get some respect.

  4. I mistakenly tuned in last night, but quickly changed the channel when I heard him use that awful phrase “think outside the box”. Ugh.

  5. What was his response to the “Events Center Plan” question what’s his face asked.

  6. Watch the video, he talked around the question as usual.

    Scott – Isn’t that saying a marketing scheme for your business? Or is it “think outside the bun.”

  7. No wonder you don’t like it. The next time you have to go to one of your ‘conventions’ bring me. I would have a blast.

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