8 Thoughts on “Art Club w/ Kieron Williamson

  1. Daizi46 on August 24, 2010 at 6:19 am said:

    WOW…8 years old…what a gift.

  2. Yeah, and they compare him to Picasso. Now if he only had a crazy pigeon painting father . . .

  3. Costner on August 24, 2010 at 11:44 am said:

    Beats the heck out of that crap Jackson Pollock sold to the ignorant rich folk. This kid is actually talented… now he just needs to figure out how to grow a gigantic ‘fro like Bob Ross did.

  4. Cha, Cha, Cha, Chia . . .

  5. Ghost of Dude on August 25, 2010 at 9:51 am said:

    Costner, would you really call those “happy little trees”?
    This kid could have taught Bob Ross a few things – and probably without smoking so much weed.

  6. Costner on August 25, 2010 at 3:04 pm said:

    Well it is a totally different style I’ll grant you that, but Bob’s paintings had more to them than simply his talent… you could tell that Bob was just a downright happy guy, and it showed in his work. I know people like to mock him and his techniques, but I’m not a painter nor do I have any plans to start on the medium, but I admit I don’t mind watching Bob do his thing.

    Then again I’ll freely admit I think Terry Redlin was one of the most gifted painters of our generation knowing full well that the trendy art hipsters hate the man for what he represents and find any and every excuse to bash his work. So be it I suppose – but in my mind it shows a lot more talent than some soup cans or automotive paint dripped on canvas.

  7. anominous on August 25, 2010 at 5:52 pm said:

    Terry Redlin could paint the Hyperion refinery & make it look like a goddamn ski chalet in the swiss alps, he is so fucking good. It’s too bad he don’t paint vans is all I can say.

  8. “Then again I’ll freely admit I think Terry Redlin was one of the most gifted painters of our generation”

    Even though he couldn’t paint the human figure. Try to find it any of his paintings besides whimsical figures. Good Luck. I do feel bad for Terry, he is literally dying from sniffing to much bad paint.

    Terry cut his teeth as a sign painter in a tiny unventilated room, his work is very ‘commercial’ and ‘graphic’ but not ‘painterly’ and it shows from his artistic beginnings.

    There really isn’t much of a difference between Mr. Redlin and Warhol. One took his experience as a commercial artist and became a painter. One took his experience as an artist and took commercial design and turned it into art.

    POP art wasn’t Andy’s greatest achievement, unifying punk rock was and that was his greatest artistic achievement.


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