While I agree that Mr. Kelly deserves compensation for the misidentification, I find his choice of representation suspicious at best. Also, I didn’t know Rory before the mistake, and I still don’t know him. So what;

Associated Press – August 4, 2010 7:05 PM ET

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – The part owner of a South Dakota cell phone business has filed a libel lawsuit against the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, claiming his reputation was damaged when the newspaper reported incorrectly that he had been arrested following a domestic disturbance.

The lawsuit filed by Rory Randal Kelly of Sioux Falls seeks unspecified damages in a jury trial.

Bill Janklow, the former governor and congressman, is representing Kelly. Janklow said Wednesday that the businessman deserves to be compensated for the misidentification.

The Argus Leader did not immediately return a phone call for comment.

The police department initially listed 33-year-old Rory Randal Kelly as the person arrested July 14, but later corrected the ID to 24-year-old Rory Patrick Kelley.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Billy Bob Janks continues his one man war against the Gargoyle Leader”
  1. Seems like an easy mistake to make. I’m wrong but I take the side of the Argus here.

    Maybe a little something for compensation.

    On the other hand, Staggers deserves 6 figures from the city and Tornow for an unfounded politically damaging ethics complaint.

  2. Hate Janklow all you want, but I don’t think the animosity in that relationship was in any way one-sided.

    The AL took a lot of opportunities to poke BJ in the eye throughout his career. I don’t blame him one bit for taking any opportunity he can to return the favor.

  3. “The AL took a lot of opportunities to poke BJ in the eye throughout his career. ”

    And for good reason. This is a person who has gotten away with so many things, but instead of asking for forgiveness he blames others for his problems.

  4. Gee for once I kind of agree with all of you, that must be a miracle of some kind.

  5. “The AL took a lot of opportunities to poke BJ in the eye throughout his career. ” Now that is funny. It is too bad they didn’t take some serious pokes, he wouldn’t have been gov. for so long and everyone would know what he actually did whilst he was the gov. But instead his secrets are still locked away.

  6. Janklow told my high school class in 1990 that he liked to read books while he was driving his car.

  7. Yeah, I have heard from a family member that he wraps the newspaper around the steering wheel. I have done it a few times. It is fine if you are on cruise control going down the interstate, but driving around town is a bitch.

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