South DaCola

Boloney sandwich of the day; Todd Vik, Business Manager of the SF School district

Vik’s justification for the 10% administrator raises;

“Average increases for private area workers was over 4 percent, so we thought if we don’t try to catch up, we’ll lose staff members to the private workforce,” Vik said.

I guess you can manipulate any study to suit your needs. Not only are people losing there jobs, the ones that are still employed are not seeing 4% wage increases. In fact not only are employees not getting any raises many of them are seeing cuts to their wages, hours, benefits and vacation time. And when you have a public sector job that is handing out 10% wage increases, why would you be tempted to work for the volital private sector?

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that you haven’t seen one single person (besides Vik) come out and defend this wage increase?

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