11 thoughts on “City of SF to appeal all counts to the SD Supreme Court of the Daily case”
You can’t even teach stupid on these levels. What is the purpose of this – don’t they even care about due process rights?
I’m very disappointed.
I suspect it is a stall tactic until they can fix the appeals process.
I guess it tells me one thing, never hire a lawyer from the CADWELL firm if you are in a constitutional jam.
Is this the Sanford that is helping the county sell the fair grounds?
Oh yeah.
Sounds like it’s time for a citizen letter-writing campaign to tell them to quit with this lunacy and just fix their damned problem already.
He’s also the guy leading the Minnehaha Country Club negotiations with the City I believe.
What if an answer with counter lowers the city’s bond rating and insurance grade?
City civil procedures are void until there’s a decision and neither party appeals into federal court. Citizens are protected from their government for 3 to 5 years.
Sanford was also one of Huether’s ‘advisors’ when looking for a city attorney.
‘City Attorney David Pfeifle said the notice of appeal doesn’t necessarily mean the case will be argued before the state’s highest court, however.
The notice had to be filed to meet the 30-day window for appeals to the Supreme Court, but the city still is determining what its next move is. Mayor Mike Huether’s administration needs time to review the effect of the decision, Pfeifle said, and the city still could choose to alter its appeals process to bring it in line with Caldwell’s ruling.
“There are a lot of options on the table, but we had to preserve our right to appeal,” Pfeifle said.’
(Hands around an imaginary dictators globe)
We can get Home Rule Charter tyranny revoked. We can Sioux Falls. You don’t need the ‘Millionaire’ book, just one state court case with major constitutional violations.
You can’t even teach stupid on these levels. What is the purpose of this – don’t they even care about due process rights?
I’m very disappointed.
I suspect it is a stall tactic until they can fix the appeals process.
I guess it tells me one thing, never hire a lawyer from the CADWELL firm if you are in a constitutional jam.
Is this the Sanford that is helping the county sell the fair grounds?
Oh yeah.
Sounds like it’s time for a citizen letter-writing campaign to tell them to quit with this lunacy and just fix their damned problem already.
He’s also the guy leading the Minnehaha Country Club negotiations with the City I believe.
What if an answer with counter lowers the city’s bond rating and insurance grade?
City civil procedures are void until there’s a decision and neither party appeals into federal court. Citizens are protected from their government for 3 to 5 years.
Sanford was also one of Huether’s ‘advisors’ when looking for a city attorney.
As I suspected, it is a stall tactic;
‘City Attorney David Pfeifle said the notice of appeal doesn’t necessarily mean the case will be argued before the state’s highest court, however.
The notice had to be filed to meet the 30-day window for appeals to the Supreme Court, but the city still is determining what its next move is. Mayor Mike Huether’s administration needs time to review the effect of the decision, Pfeifle said, and the city still could choose to alter its appeals process to bring it in line with Caldwell’s ruling.
“There are a lot of options on the table, but we had to preserve our right to appeal,” Pfeifle said.’
(Hands around an imaginary dictators globe)
We can get Home Rule Charter tyranny revoked. We can Sioux Falls. You don’t need the ‘Millionaire’ book, just one state court case with major constitutional violations.