

4 Thoughts on “I’m so sick of political family BS, especially from the Right

  1. Buzz Evenrude on August 14, 2010 at 9:37 pm said:

    Me too. Like you, I appreciate the reality that is the left. Waters, Rangel, Pelosi, Reid, Blago, Feinstein and Franken…wow, the list just goes on and on…

  2. That is what is so funny, neither one of them can point a finger at the other.

  3. I had to laugh, he said he didn’t write those posts, then had to admit he did. Had pictures of his family, turns out they weren’t his kids at all, he has no kids. He has to take back everything he has said. Not the brightest bulb in the box, a lot like his father. But none of them are too bright as witnessed by Boehner, Newt, Ensign, Vitter, Gohmert, Bachmann, Sarah, McCain, Peter King and don’t forget your neighbor to the southeast, Steve King,”Obama’s a Marxist” who “Doesn’t have an American Experience.”

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