South DaCola

Marking is allowed at today’s House Debate

I guess something changed, GOOD!


Herseth pointed out that Noem doesn’t understand the legislative process, and encourages her to “Stick to the issues.”

MARKING; “I’ve been snookered once, I won’t be snookered again.” (He was referring to the Republican party, and their failed plan, ‘Contract with America’.)

HERSETH-SANDLIN; She defends the healthcare bill, even though she didn’t vote for it, but does admit it will need some changes.

NOEM; Kristi slams Herseth over the deal she struck with the Democratic party to not repeal the healthcare bill. But Kristi gets off the rails when she starts talking about how much it will cost us, she first starts off by saying it will cost us $500 million, then she ends by saying it will cost us $1 trillion. So what is it? You can’t just throw numbers out there without backing them up.

ON REPEALING ESTATE TAX; Marking is on the fence, and doesn’t agree with a complete repeal, Herseth thinks we can’t afford to repeal it, but can reform it to help farmers and ranchers. Noem was crying about how her poor family (corporate) farm was hurt by estate taxes, all the while taking farm subsidies. So I guess it is okay for her to take from the feds but not to pay back in. Yet Noem fails to answer the question, and Herseth points it out. Marking goes on another rant about how great a Fair Tax is. Blah, Blah, Blah.

ON ENERGY; Herseth supports renewal energy and bio fuels. Noem blabs about Nancy Pelosi, again, and talks about how cap & trade is bad, but offers no solution. Marking sees energy independence as a national security issue. Herseth pointed out that Noem doesn’t understand the legislative process, and encourages her to “Stick to the issues.”

ON FARM SUBSIDIES; Noem says she would like to see more risk management programs then subsidies (yet her family continues to take them). Marking said subsidies are needed but should be focused. Herseth wants to lower subsidies but enhance the safety net through conservation.

INTEGRITY IN GOVERNMENT; Marking talks about advisory voting (while I like the idea, most people struggle with even showing up to the polls now every few months, let alone vote weekly on issues, it would require people to be actually know what is going on). Herseth blabs about veterans or something. Noem claims she will NOT change if we elect her. Uh, sure, you betcha! Herseth slams Noem over claiming Herseth doesn’t live in SD or ever come back here. She actually chuckles when talking about it.

In closing, Marking admits to being a Norwegian. Well he just lost my vote 🙂

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