South DaCola

Rex Rolfing; possibly the ‘kinder gentler’ Kermit Staggers?

I have been very impressed by councilor Rolfing. While I don’t agree with him 50% of the time, I do admire him. He asks great questions and does it in a layman way, so citizens understand. You can tell he enjoys serving the citizens. That was one of the things I admired about Kermit, whether you agreed or disagreed with him, you could tell he had your best interest at heart, and I think Rex does to. Rex is a regular at the restaurant I work at, and from all accounts, he is the same kind of guy in person, this isn’t an act.

If there ever was a surprise on the new council, it is Rex. Trust me, I’m not the only one who has chattered about it, many other politicos in our community have taken notice.

Keep up the good work.

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