South DaCola

SF School District’s Philosophy; Screw taxpayers and teachers–administrators are all that count

A 10% raise in the middle of a recession? Bullshit! Especially for a public sector job. While I think an education is important, I also believe paying the people who actually educate our children is important, the teachers. I think Kevin says it best;

Sioux Falls resident Kevin Kunkel thinks the raises should be re-evaluated, noting that many people have taken pay cuts during the recession.

“On the one hand, if you want to get good people you have to pay them. But on the other, there’s aren’t a lot of people in this area that make $100,000,” he said.

Nope. Just people who work in the public sector. Because hey, a contract is a contract. I never thought I would see a trickle down effect in government, but it is alive and well in Sioux Falls.

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