Bench warrants aside, someone should issue a search warrant for Noem’s brain cells. I’m also wondering what a South Dah-Coat-ten is? Is that someone who doesn’t believe in Nancy Pell-Lo-Zies agenda?


8 Thoughts on “Are you talking to me Neil? No I’m talking to the file cabinet behind you because it appears to be listening better then you.

  1. Costner on September 3, 2010 at 6:16 am said:

    I actually have to give Noem credit here… I thought she was a novice, but clearly she knows how to twist and avoid a direct question as well as any seasoned politician in Washington.

    You have to find the humor that someone like Neil Cavuto even recognizes that Herseth-Sandlin has voted against the majority of the items on Pelosi’s agenda, yet the uninformed Noem supporters here back at home can’t quite seem to grasp that fact yet.

    If Nancy Pelosi is the only thing Noem has to campaign on, it doesn’t spell well for her being able to remain in any way, shape, or form moderate when she hits Washinton. We don’t really need another GOP rubber stamp (aka: Thune) running around.

    I guess I just fail to see what Pelosi even matters if the GOP re-takes the house. If they do, Pelosi will lose her power. If the Dems keep control of the house, Pelosi will stay with or without Herseth’s support. It is a non-issue, but I guess when Noem can’t really find legitimate issues to debate she needs to reach for something.

  2. CCFlyer on September 3, 2010 at 8:03 am said:

    Holy. Crap. I’m scared.

  3. If the right wingers think Nancy Pelosi is so bad they should know John Boehner a little better. He is an absolutely worthless congressman. Mr. No was attached to Newt Gingrich at the hip until Newt was finally caught having another affair whilst being married. Newt fell from grace and so did Boehner. But he crawled his way to the top and now Mr. No from Orange is back, sadly.
    I gather Snooki doesn’t understand the ramifications of not increasing the debt ceiling, the republicans sure love to shut down the government, but they love two wars. They are talking about shutting down the gov’t. if they win the house. (Heaven forbid) Toe Sucker Dick Morris is pushing that idea. Whatta group.

  4. Yeah, wonder who they think will run the Pentagon if we stop funding ‘the government’. She is dumber then a box of rocks.

  5. Buzz Evenrude on September 3, 2010 at 10:03 pm said:

    I want Steph back! Who cares if our taxes are going up (get ready for Jan 2012) and Obamacare is coming! The Noem(ind) is a speeder and gets lots of traffic tickets!

  6. Registered Republican on September 4, 2010 at 9:21 am said:

    Living close to NOem, we know her only too well. She is a vain FOOL. This whole campaign for NOem is all about me. My vote goes to Stephanie. I am so tired of NOem and the Pelosi thing! Where are her issues????

  7. C’mon RR! Don’t you know this is about voting for the best belt buckle?

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