South DaCola

Bob Litz, You are ‘ridiculously absurd’

I sorta agree that the councilors and mayor shouldn’t have to feed meters (mind you, when they are on official city business);

The mayor and city councilors may park free in Sioux Falls, thanks to an executive order issued by Mayor Mike Huether.

Officials now can display permits in their car to avoid plugging meters or paying at parking ramps and lots while on city business. It makes city government more efficient, Huether said.

But Bob Litz’s reasoning is a bit silly;

“Other city people have an office. Other city people even get a car. We at the council have to fumble around for quarters. It was kind of one of those digs,” Litz said.

Dismissing the tickets can be a time-consuming process for city employees and city councilors, Huether said.

Litz agrees.

“The whole thing was ridiculously absurd,” he said.

Bob, you are absurd. Who has time for quarters when they are a city councilor? I think we should tear all of the meters out. I don’t have time to fumble around with quarters either.

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