Well, I was waiting for this, the SD GOP can’t resist to twist the facts, and in this latest Doogard ad, they went a twistin;


Okay, so let’s get started.

While this number may be true on the surface, it couldn’t be more misleading. Denny isn’t counting the countless that are underemployed, working multiple part-time jobs and not working in their field (like myself) in low skill, low paying jobs. Because hey, if you got a job, any job, you are EMPLOYED! One has to scratch their head when our poverty rate is 4xs our unemployment rate.

I just about spit my vodka tonic on my computer screen when I saw this part of the commercial. Denny fails to tell you this happened after the state pretty much cut education, cut road maintenance, cut social programs then took a big check from the feds. I suppose I could balance my budget if I stopped eating, turned off my heat and lights, dug a hole in the ground and became a hermit.

Yes, but let’s talk about the millions we have lost in those investments. Let’s also talk about why we are letting taxpayer money get moldy in a reserve account when we should either be spending it on the greater good or cutting taxes.

The only people that are well positioned are the rich who keep the little man down in SD by protecting their wealth. Many business men in SD have used the recession as an excuse to not give raises, to cut benefits and vacation, and to overwork employees even though they are not hurting. It is disgusting.

To tell you the truth, I was disappointed that Denny went down this path, but no surprise that he eventually showed his true GOP colors; Yellow, Yellow and Yellow.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “Denny Doogard’s latest ad is extremely misleading”
  1. I hear you on your point, but when he says our unemployment rate is among the nation’s lowest… that is simply a factual statement.

    Every state has underemployed workers or those working mulitple jobs to make ends meet. Every state has workers who have taken whatever job is available rather than working in their field and every state has low paying jobs just as every state has workers who have given up looking and are no longer counted as unemployed.

    But I don’t think it is dishonest to make his statement – because he is comparing us to other states, and in such a comparison we have weathered the storm better than many others.

    The balanced budget thing is farce and I agree with you on that one. They fail to mention the big chunk of stimulus money they accepted, or the medicaid funds that were directed to the general fund, or the $100M or so they shifted to future budgets to make this one balance.

    That is one area that Heidiscott could pounce upon Daugaard if he is ever in a serious debate, but I still don’t think it will be enough in our very conservative state. Dennis all but has this one wrapped up.

  2. L3wis:

    “Yes, but let’s talk about the millions we have lost in those investments.”

    That’s only a real loss when we sell. We haven’t dumped all our holdings for cash, so like your 401K they are only on paper.

    “Many business men in SD have used the recession as an excuse to not give raises, to cut benefits and vacation, and to overwork employees even though they are not hurting. It is disgusting.”

    Many businessmen have never been in a real recession like the one we are currently in. Most industries margins are being hammered down to at or below your overhead. You can only go so long before that catches up to you and you go bankrupt. Then you fire everyone, declare Chapter 11 and sell off your shit for .25 cents on the dollar. The fact that our unemployment rate is still half of what the Country’s is tells me that most business men who you so freely bash are waiting until the last possible minute to lay someone off. Many are finding stuff for people to do or doing things in-house that they used to outsource. So that’s hitting the service sector right in the balls too.

    In business, the most difficult thing to deal with is uncertainty. We have more on the horizon than at any time I’ve ever seen and I’ve been doing this since 1993. No one has a clue what the new health care plan will cost them, but it’s definately an increase…some of which is already coming through. Same with taxes, many sole proprieterships will be hit if the Bush Cuts expire as will executives who spend their millions on homes, boats, cars and all kinds of other things that are built and/or sold here. You can say “call me a Waaahhbulance” but the truth is the rich are the ones who spend and you keep giving them reasons not to they will simply continue to pull back.

    The bright spot is there’s a lot of cash out there right now. Both in the corporate and personal world. Deposits are way up, as are savings. But that cash will sit tight until some of the above issues are resolved one way or the other.

  3. Yes… but even worse than that Scott, Noem voted for the budget that used stimulus money. So in effect she is ok spending the money, but not ok with those who sent it to us.

    Without it, we would have had a budget deficit. This is a prime example of her making statements that she hopes people will believe, but the facts don’t support her newfound “self-reliant fiscal conservatism”.

    Educated voters won’t buy the line, but honestly… how many educated voters are there?

  4. too bad stephanie doesn’t bring up kristi’s legislative voting record in her ads. because, in a roundabout way, kristi has also voted for nancy pelosi’s liberal agenda as well.

  5. As an aside, John Thune is on with Wolf Blitzer right now, talking about whether he might run in 2012. What I hear is blah blah blah blah.

  6. When I saw this commercial, I wanted to know when the state Capitol moved into a photo-shopped Forrest…..

  7. I hope Thune runs, he’ll be toast after the 3rd state primary and maybe South Dakotans will realize how much of an unknown loser he is.

  8. Jay Leno did a joke about Thune last night.

    Here is a transcript:

    “South Dakota Senator John Thune says he’s talked to his wife about running for president in 2012. And of course his wife had the same question that we all have: ‘Who are you again?'” –Jay Leno

    I lol’ed.

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