South DaCola

Is Huether hiding secret drawlings?


I could care less about him already having plans drawn up;

A day after the Sioux Falls City Council approved $500,000 toward a new events center, city officials aren’t revealing drawings or other information that Mayor Mike Huether showed councilors in closed-door meetings.

During those gatherings, small groups of councilors were shown a presentation with drawings of the location and other details of Huether’s vision for a $99.5 million events center.

Who cares. What bothers me is that he lied to the citizens in a public meeting about ‘Not having a plan’ and even worse five councilors jump on board with a plan based on a lie. Mike says a lot of crazy shit, whatever, but lying to the public is uncool. It may have worked in the CC industry, it doesn’t fly in the public sector.

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