As I said from the beginning, I think bringing up politician’s driving records is a bit silly, but ignoring your fines and having bench warrants for your arrest while running for office is even more silly.
It seems another anonymous blogger seems to think it is okay to go after staffer’s records because they are Federal employees.
While we are at it, why don’t we go after politician’s family and friend’s records. But let’s not stop there, why don’t we go after volunteers and supporters records, or even better yet why don’t we go after voter’s records, and if you don’t have a clean driving record your vote will not be counted. Or maybe we can dig up blogger’s driving records . . . oh that’s right, we first have to figure out who the chickenshits are that don’t have the balls to put their name behind their accusations.
I knew the Republicans would strike back with something f’ing ridiculous, and they did not disappoint as usual.
Ticket-gate was about one thing. Someone running for higher office should pay their fines or show up in court and practice their 5th Amendment rights. If they cannot grasp that simple constitutional right they shouldn’t be writing laws for our country.
BTW, Herseth-Sandlin’s staffer plead guilty and paid her fines, unlike Mrs. Noem.
Gould was cited for driving with a blood-alcohol content of .193, more than twice the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle. She pleaded guilty June 28 to a first offense of driving under the influence.
I also find a lot of irony in ticket-gate. It seems to be ‘OK’ to drag a congressional staffer through the mud (when they work for a Dem) but when you make a little joke about a staffer who works for a Republican the wingnuts go beserk and threaten you with legal recourse. What a bunch of boneheads.
And BTW, if you are going to do Photoshop editorial toons, learn how to use the software correctly so it actually looks like Steffy’s face on another woman’s body and not Chaka from the Land of the Lost.