Sometimes the tongue tied flib-flubs at the informational and council meetings are the best parts.

For instance at the informational meeting yesterday Sioux Falls finance director Eugene Rowenhorst was explaining the new ‘user friendly’ monthly financial report when he got tongue tied and said;

‘Friend Fuck’

Oh, but the hits keep coming. During the council meeting, Rex Rolfing decided to leave his mic on when whispering sweet nothings in Kenny Anderson’s ear. While Mayor Huether was walking in front of the council at the beginning of the meeting Rex says to Kenny;

‘I think he is getting more grey hair.’

Then during the public input he sarcastically asks Kenny about a guy who speaks at almost every meeting;

‘Where’s Stanga?’

This is something I have told the City Clerk about a few times and for awhile they were pre-warning the councilors about having their mics on. Can’t wait until next week’s meeting when the assistant city clerk yells out;

‘Granicus is Live!’

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Open Mic night at Carnegie Hall”
  1. They are always entertaining. If I was independently wealthy I would write a book about all the battles and gaffes over the past 6 years.

  2. Who needs an event center, or even the Washington Pavilion, we have Carnegie Hall. They have Drama, Comedy, Crime and Punishment what more could you ask for? After all they are spending your tax dollars

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