I guess Snooki better get a new talking point;

“I’ve kept my eye on our economy, on our future and on our values,” Herseth Sandlin said. “I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get the sense that perhaps Kristi Noem is moving to San Francisco to run against Nancy Pelosi. I’m running for Congress here in South Dakota, and my record reflects that I do what’s right for South Dakota.”

Snooki couldn’t handle San Fran. Residents mostly ride bicycles and public transit.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “Princess Steffy slams Snooki Noem at the State Fair forum”
  1. Looks like Snooki’s whole family is a bunch of speed demons;


    “It isn’t that uncommon in Noem’s family, based on court records since 1989. Noem’s husband, Bryon, had 18 recorded traffic citations during that period, 11 of them for speeding. Noem’s brother, Rock Arnold, had 34 citations during that period, 25 of them for speeding. He also missed court or fine payment dates four times and had warrants issued three times. Another brother, Robb, had 21 citations, including 12 for speeding.

    And Noem’s mother, Corinne Arnold, had 11 citations, nine for speeding.”

  2. rm Payments and Speed just can not debate. Goodbye Noem. You lost my vote because where are the issues you want to debate? All you do is criticize and that is not debating. Iam tired of you and the Pelosi thing. Too bad you can’t come up with something of substance.

  3. The “Pelosi thing” is a national strategy by the GOP. Talking points come from a centralized location and are distributed for use by local candidates. Every GOP candidate out there is running against Nancy Pelosi. It doesn’t fit as well with Princess Steffi. This is why I’m starting to think she’s not in as much trouble as I once thought.

  4. Herseth voted for Pelosi for speaker and if she wins she will vote for Pelosi for speaker again. If Democrats are able to hold on to both houses again it will put America in an even deeper hole. Every election Herseth runs ads trying to convince people she is not really a Democrat. If she knows that Democrats are not good why does she keep running as a Democrat? If Herseth doesn’t want Pelosi to be an issue she should pledge that if she is reelected she will not vote for Pelosi for speaker.

  5. Liberals whose “arguments” are, like, totally Ad Hominey? Yep, Sprztt, it is Oith, you doofus. I TOLD you to lay hard to starboard after that last planet. Now we gotta back all the way down the breadcrumb trail with no rear lights and no hope for change!

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