South DaCola

South DaCola guest candidate • Brian Liss • District 13 House

Answering Silly Critics

Early in the campaign I sent out a fundraising letter which said in part, “Help me defeat the Democrats’ attempts to socialize our country at the expense of our freedom.” Over at Madville Times the letter was quoted as crying about “Socialism!” This malicious misquote ruins the credibility of Madville Times.

I doubt anyone has ever been more bruised with less cause than Corey over at Black Marks on Wood Pulp. The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen comes to mind.

The Essence of the Campaign

What sets me apart from most politicians is that I think economics should be taken seriously. Most politicians are happy to communicate economic fallacies to their voters. Economic freedom is a liberty vs. tyranny issue. Here is my SDPB video. I hope you like it. Go to to learn more. Thanks! (you will need to copy and paste, becuz for some dumb reason, SDPTV won’t let me link.

(editor’s note) I encourage any candidate to spew their junk on my site. I don’t care what political party you are from.

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