I love it when anti-advocates of anything give data that actually helps their opponents cause. They did it here by showing all the states that voters have allowed Medical Marijuana. Thanks, the info is handy.

New Jersey • Oregon • New Mexico • Michigan • Rhode Island • Montana • Vermont • Nevada • Hawaii • Colorado • Maine • Alaska • Washington • California

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “The Vote NO on 13 people make a pretty good case as to why SD should legalize Medical Marijuana”
  1. Yes, and you “conveniently” skipped over all the problems, chaos and abuse going on in the states that were duped into approving “medical” marijuana.

    Having more intoxicated people has made these states much better places to live, hasn’t it?

  2. Probably hasn’t made them any worse Bob. Just look at the nations that have actually legalized marijuana entirely – you don’t see any going back to making it illegal now do you? If it was really as bad as you suggest, those nations (and the states listed above) would surely be clamoring to reverse the laws… but since that isn’t happening, perhaps this is yet another attempt at fear mongering.

    In truth, marijuana is less harmful than alcohol. I often wonder if law enforcement fights against it merely because it helps them justify their budgets. If we decriminalized pot and removed these people from our jails and courtrooms, how much revenue would law enforcement lose in any given year?

    Meanwhile, if we just taxed the heck out of it like we do with alcohol and cigarettes, how much revenue would it bring into the state?

    That being said, it is only a matter of time before it is legalized and this silly debate is put to rest once and for all just like it was with prohibition and voter rights for women and minorities.

    Oh yea – and since it always is worth mentioning to prevent the accusations, I’ll be clear that I have never used nor had the desire to use marijuana in my entire life. However just because I don’t need it or have the desire to use it doesn’t mean I should take it away from everyone else. I don’t know how to skate either but I’m not suggesting we outlaw rollerblades.

  3. “Yes, and you “conveniently” skipped over all the problems, chaos and abuse going on in the states that were duped into approving “medical” marijuana. ”

    I must have missed all that on the news.

  4. Mayo says THC does not improve appetite more than readily available prescriptions. http://cannabisnews.com/news/9/thread9691.shtml

    Consider also that in California you have pot shops selling this “medicine”, not pharmacists.


    “Missoula and Bozeman, home of the state’s biggest four-year universities, have the highest number of medical marijuana patients as a percentage of county population, state figures show…… More than 25 percent of marijuana patients in Montana are between ages 21 and 30.” http://helenair.com/news/article_5830e19c-8f10-11df-bf7c-001cc4c002e0.html

    In Boulder Colorado you have 6 dispensaries within two blocks of the University of Colorado. Glaucoma I guess eh? http://legalmarijuanadispensary.com/index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid=117&url=Los-Angeles-Dispensaries/california-dispensaries/boulder-cannabis-clubs_c134_m117/

    There is ample evidence of abuse, just look for it a little.

    Personally I am neutral on the issue. Both sides are passionate about their arguments and can usually show good evidence to support them.

  5. Jim,

    There’s plenty of abuse that goes on with alcohol laws and other prescription drugs as well (not to mention every single other law that has ever been written).

    The telling thing is that while there are all of those “abuses” occurring, there really isn’t any “chaos”, like Ellis would have you believe.

    Ellis’ definition of chaos is anyone doing anything that he does not approve of.

    That website is full of lies. They don’t even accurately describe IM 13. One lie that sticks out to me at first glance is this statement:

    “If passed, initiative 13 would allow marijuana dispensaries to openly sell marijuana next to day care centers, schools, and next to the town’s local hardware store. Other states have seen the proliferation of the dispensaries become out of control. In these states, cities and city officials are being sued to allow these dispensaries and to demand to rezone certain areas of their cities.

    It is a complete lie. IM 13 doesn’t even allow for dispensaries. I guess the people that run the website either haven’t read the law or don’t want to have an honest discussion. I suspect that they are lying and have no interest in informing voters, but instead misleading them into voting against IM 13 based on false information.

  6. Hey DDC don’t preach to me, I watched “Refer Madness” and know all about the marijuana!

    I didn’t know either way about the dispensary locations, so thank for sharing. My point though is that it will be another substance abused, and the question is do we really need that? If there were tight controls on who got this and a strong penalty for essentially handing out prescriptions (as with any other drug) then I cold really get behind this. As mentioned before, good arguments from both sides.

  7. I think some people are missing the point that if you decriminalize it, the black market for the substance goes away. Look at prohibition as an example. Crime ran wild when alcohol was illegal. You control it, you tax it, and it becomes a normal part of society. And I would argue that marijuana is a more pure substance than alcohol. You don’t have to add ingredients and cook the stuff. Just let it dry. (I know I know, people put other stuff in it sometimes.) But the simple point is, government doesn’t want to lose the revenue it gains on weed. Simple as that.

  8. Yes, and you “conveniently” skipped over all the problems, chaos and abuse going on in the states that were duped into approving “medical” marijuana.

    Having more intoxicated people has made these states much better places to live, hasn’t it?

    Keep fucking that chicken, Bob. You and I both know it isn’t true.

    I suppose the chaos is why California is set to legalize weed for recreational use too. Apparently, medical mary jane caused so much trouble for them that they thought it would be a good idea to let everyone spark one up.

    Your side’s arguments are idiotic, illogical, and not borne out by scientific studies.

  9. Chaos? Sounds like you’ve been watching Reefer Madness a bit too much Bob.

    Stealthy as a socialist
    Knocking on our doors,
    It’s turning all our children into hooligans and whores!

    “Reefer madness” (the satirical version) is one of my favorite musicals.

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