I think this letter speaks for itself;

I am pleased the residents of Minnehaha County will be offered the opportunity to vote on the proposed events center.

I met with Mayor Mike Huether along with a group of other people at the Whisk & Chop Cafe, on what happened to be his birthday, and brought up the subject of the mayor setting aside some money to help finance a home for the chronically homeless as he knows the county owns the land for the home, but the city needs to allot some money to help to support the facility.

The mayor’s reply to me was there were homeless children, too. I realize that. However, Matthew 25:40 says: “and the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, insomuch as you did to it one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’ “

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “A letter writer points out the ‘priorities’ of our city leaders”
  1. Speaking of the “Events” Center. We had a pro basketball game in town last night. It has been heavily promoted for weeks. Rumor has it, Sandford Heart had a block of tickets in the 4 figures. The Arena holds 6100 for professional basketball. 5102 showed up. A couple thousand of those prolly compliments of free tickets handed out to Sandford employees. So for a heavily promoted pro basketball game, we get 83% of the place occupied. A friend of mine is a real pro basketball nut, kinda like me with pro football. He was there and said by the start of the third period there were more empty seats than occupied seats. By the start of the 4th period he thought there might be 1500 “fans” still in the house. He was dismayed. To him, the best part of any BB game is the last 5 minutes, and hardly anyone was there.


  2. Everyone is fucking broke. You are going to see more of the people above then you are going to see BB fans over the next few years.

  3. Is it not possible for the Mayor to be concerned about the homeless and lower income struggles while also pushing ahead on the events center. i think both can be done.

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