As Ed’s service to our country is honorable – it is definately not comparable to Beck’s service;

Beck also got emotional when he acknowledged audience member Ed Assman of Pierre, a combat veteran who received two Purple Hearts for wounds sustained in Vietnam. During the VIP reception before the keynote speech, Assman attached a Purple Heart pin — which awardees may purchase — to Beck’s lapel and spoke softly to him for a few moments. Beck hugged Assman and wept in response.

“What I said was, ‘Mr. Beck, the two Purple Hearts I got in Vietnam pale in comparison to the hits you take on a daily basis for us, for flag, for God and for country,” Assman said after meeting with Beck.

Oh, Puke!

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Assman meets a real Assman”
  1. 2500 people in Rapid accepted this ass clown with open arms and open check books. Beck, Rush Windbag, and Palin are radicals. They will do more harm to this country then AIM and Means every thought about doing. But Rapid had to have riot police because of the racism that went along with those political activist. My God is that what the Republican party has turned into? These people are scary, the power they have over some.

    They must have learned from Jimmy Swaggart. Forgive I have sinned, wiping tears with one hand and digging your pocket with the other. Or popping pills while telling you about all the other lawbreakers. Or to quit in midterm as Governor so that you can run around the country and bitch about others who are at least trying to do the job they were elected to do.

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