By l3wis

25 thoughts on “Chili for Votes • Write your own caption”
  1. In just a few hours, your ass will also be an independent voice for South Dakota.

    Sorry, but fart jokes are still funny.

  2. O.K. Dr. Weiland, you can come back for seconds, but I thought i had you bought off already by promising not to repeal the health care law that I voted against!

  3. “If I can convince you to vote for me for a bowl of chili, I would prefer your ignorant ass votes for Noem.”

  4. I don’t know what’s worse buying a vote for a bowl of chili or that a vote can be bought with a bowl of chili

  5. Mike, you nailed it! I will let this roll for another day, but you have the winning caption as of now.

  6. And let me just say, how ridiculous is the SD GOP causing a stink about a bowl of chili buying a vote even though they have given free coffee, donuts and hotdogs at simaliar events? If you are buying a vote with a bowl of fucking soup, you should suggest that these people don’t vote. I’m sorry, but sometimes I want to take (both) parties and beat their heads against the wall. They worry about donuts, hotdogs and chili? Fucking stupid.

  7. I don’t care if it chips(unsalted) and water, chili and beer, or prime rib with wine. Using food to buy votes is wrong.

    It is one thing to offer some kind of refreshment at a gathering, something totally different if you are going to that refreshment as means to draw people to an event.

  8. I borrowed this one.

    This chili will get you voting faster then Kristi on her way to the bank with a handful of subsidy checks.

  9. Mike – both parties have offered food to draw people to events this campaign season. The only difference is the Democrats then offered to transport people to a place where they could vote early.

    So is what they did illegal? No, because they never told people they could only eat if they promised to vote Democratic (or even vote at all). Thus there was no exchange of goods involved, and thus the implied “vote buying” never actually happened.

    I have no idea why people focus upon food, but the same situation applies when campaigns give away free American flags or t-shirts or any other little trinket. Provided they don’t mandate someone vote for them and there is no exchange of goods or services for a specific vote, then it is still legal.

    This type of thing happens every campaign and this time around it seems the GOP is just trying to make a larger issue out of it to turn it into a lightning rod which will draw their supporters out to vote. It is all about politics, and it is nothing more than a diversion.

  10. Our farmers, and ranchers are some of the best in the world, John, yet we ship tons of grain to India, Haiti, and other places when we could be sending to our own people.

    BTW, My vote is up for sale, shall we start the bidding at one prime rib dinner, with some real mac and cheese, carrots, bread, and bottle of wine.

  11. I will repost what i offered elsewhere. . . Well, This isn’t exactly Tammany Hall now is it? If it were, we see considerably more powerful and influential politicians handing out much better stuff. Flippin’ amatuers

  12. BTW, My vote is up for sale, shall we start the bidding at one prime rib dinner, with some real mac and cheese, carrots, bread, and bottle of wine.

    I require booze. And cash.

  13. price just went up! We are now at a dinner for two on a yacht in the Caribbean on December 27th at 7:32 pm local time

  14. You know we are in trouble when the Democrats start passing out the food. They did it for McGovern in 1980
    and Daschle in 2004, need I say more.

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