KELO-TV screenshot

I had a heated discussion last night about snowgates with a plow operator with the city, he was under the impression, as his boss, Galynn Huber is, that they don’t work. Even though not one single flake of snow has fallen yet and they have not been used yet. It is pretty obvious that after having this discussion (you can at least see my comments) that someone in the street department is already brainwashing operators so that they will sabotage the gates. Silliness.

18 Thoughts on “City employee deletes his Facebook comments about snowgates

  1. Costner on October 7, 2010 at 6:29 am said:

    If the operators are already against them, and their management is already against them – what chance of success do they even have?

    We know the reports of how well they work will come from the operators themselves who apparently have already made up their minds that they won’t work.

    This is just a joke. I only hope Stormland TV or KDLT goes out and films them in action so residents can see for themselves that yes – they do actually work as designed.

    I guess it is too much to ask the operators to push a button a few hundred times per shift. Then again, this would probably cut into their overtime pay so you know it won’t be a fair analysis.

  2. Actually his argument was that he would make more money because it will take him longer to plow. I always chuckle when people say we are a ‘progressive’ community. When we deny taxpayers a service that benefits them, I think we are a ‘regressive’ community.

  3. Mike C on October 7, 2010 at 10:29 am said:

    If the operators say they won’t work, they won’t work, and the operators will sure they don’t.

    Give the operators the choice, use the snowgate or get out and shovel the driveways, by hand. My guess They the snow gate will suddenly start working

  4. I still think we should hook plows up to those Black Rhinos and have them work off those new digs.

  5. Ghost of Dude on October 7, 2010 at 1:43 pm said:

    I was wondering why you were having such a heated conversation with yourself.

  6. I’m crazy, but not that crazy.

  7. Mike C on October 7, 2010 at 8:30 pm said:

    I know a lady who loses heated arguments all the time, to herself.

    She works at the Capitol in Pierre.

  8. Leave Sandy Jerstad out of this.

  9. speaking of sandy jerstad, i saw her driving around the other day in a golf cart putting up campain signs on peoples lawns. is that legal in sioux falls? driving in golf carts i mean.

  10. Speaking of Sandy, has anyone seen her big sign on the south side of 41st a block or two east of Louise? There’s a big one and a smaller one next to it (closer to the road). The little on has a piece of paper taped on to it that says something. I always forget to stop and see what it is.

    I figured it was a warning that it was too close to the road or something, but its been there since Saturday and was still there last night.

  11. Mike C on October 8, 2010 at 8:34 am said:

    It’s not Sandy Jerstad, but now that you have mentioned her. She doesn’t lose arguments with herself. She may argue with herself and win, but never will she lose.

  12. Mike C on October 8, 2010 at 8:36 am said:

    Back on topic, if the operators had to leave the comfort of their cozy cab, to hand shovel some snow, I bet those darn snow gates just might start working

  13. You are right. But if they have to push a button every once in awhile they might not have to time to talk on their cellphones (I’ve seen this on several occasions).

  14. They ought to all be fired.

  15. I don’t think they need to be fired, they just need to do the job they are told to do, and not ask questions.

  16. Mike C on October 8, 2010 at 10:09 pm said:

    DL, where is your compassion?

    They can ask questions, they can even question the judgment of the mayor, governor, the President, even God, as private citizen John Q. Public.

    But once they punch that time clock, they have agreed to do a job, and we (their boss) expect for them to do it, and do it right the first time in a timely manner.

  17. Huh? No way. Obviously there is a learning curve. I expect that. But to piss and moan before they have actually used the devices is a little silly.

  18. Pingback: Snowgates Demonstrate Practical Wisdom of Public Services « | Issues Blogs

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