Please. Turn the light switch off.
Oh, I know, like the Gargoyle Leader, I’m sure no one cares about my endorsements, but here they are, suckers . . .
• John Thune. Leave it blank. Make a statement, even though no one is running against him let your voice be heard, by not saying anything.
• Thomas Marking. While I disagree with Marking on the Fair Tax concept and Healthcare reform, I still think he is more knowledgable on the issues then Noem or Steffy. He also vows not to play party politics which excites me. Okay, we both know he will not win, but please don’t waste your vote in the other camps. It’s kinda like drinking decaf.
• Governor’s race. Leave it blank. Neither candidate deserves to be governor. While one of the Republicans is smarter then the other, I feel like this is a race between the established SD GOP and the unestablished GOP. It’s kinda disgusting. I also like that fact that Heidi-Scott admitted his ‘competing casino’ idea didn’t get much traction. Yah think?!
SOS: Ben Nesselhuf. After watching his opponent’s commercial about voter registration falsehoods, I decided that Ben is the real choice. Maybe Jason can be a spokesperson for Jenny Craig instead (you should get Pat Powers to come with you to the meetings).
• AG. Leave it blank. This is like picking between Hitler and Che Guevara 🙂
• PUC: Dusty Johnson. Maybe it’s his Charlie Brown appeal, who knows. I have disagreed with Dusty on a number of issues, but I will give him credit, he has reached out to me and clarified his stances. While I think he could do more on green energy in our state, I also think he would be the only one to discuss this with. He knows his shit. Hands down. Don’t fear the ginger.
• Yes on IM13. Mary Jane is our friend. Big Pharma is not.
• Yes on IM12. Duh.
• Minnehaha County commission; Nesiba and Barth. Both men have displayed genuine concerns for county residents. I really don’t give a shit who you vote for as the 3rd candidate. Just don’t vote for that condescending creep Beninga who constantly cried about me being in his shoes everytime I showed up to a council meeting. If you don’t like those shoes, why do you keep wearing them?
What a jackass. Seriously.
i have to disagree on leaving the governor’s race blank and voting for marking. a no vote is the same as a vote for doogard, and a vote for marking is one less vote stephanie will get that she needs to defeat kristi “drives like janklow” noem.
So you think Herseth is doing a good job? That’s funny.
I’m starting to disagree with the ‘lesser of two evils approach’
Doogard is going to win. That is a given. Why should I give my losing vote to the losing Republican?
If you don’t want John Thune as Senator, who do you want?
Same question for the Governor?
Almost anybody other than the non-choices offered.
Do I think SHS is doing a bang-up job? Depends on the issue. In some cases she is doing a fantastic job, in others I tend to think she could do much better. However I’d rather disagree with SHS 50% of the time than disagree with Noem 90% of the time.
A vote for Marking is nothing more than a gift to Noem, and even though I may not always agree with SHS, I do respect the fact she is willing to buck the party line and vote for what she feels is best for her state. That in itself is worthy of my vote as I wish we had more independent thinkers in Washington whether we always agree with their stances or not. It is just refreshing to see someone – anyone – publicly vote the opposite of what their party leadership wants.
Does anyone actually think Noem would ever do that? I didn’t think so. Noem will simply be “Thune-lite”, and we don’t really need any more of that.
Jenny Craig for you too Ehrisman. Chubby pot calls chubby kettle black. lol
Costner, good answer, you got my vote if you run 😉 I agree voting for Marking is the same as voting for Noem. I am a registered republican who owns a business. But Kristi Noem will be a mistake for the hourly worker in South Dakota.
Hilarious – I know I’m chubby, that is what gives me the right to make fun of no chin Gant and no chin Pat.
Do not vote for Thune and do not vote in the Governors race. The gubernaiorial race is nothing but a shoot out
between the pro-life wing of the Republican party and
the “Janklow clique” within the Republican party.
The absence of a Democratic candidate for the US Senate proves that the South Dakota Democratic
party has filed for philosophical bankruptcy by default, and its gubernatorial candidate proves that the South Dakota Democratic Party is nothing more than a “Squatters Party” for political opportunist.
The only reason to vote for Sandlin is so that on Wednesday morning, after the election, we have at least 218 Democrats in the US House. There is still some hope for the Democratic Party at the national level.
With you on Yes for 12 and 13, and Ben. Will be voting for Heidepriem, a definite step above Rounds 2.0. I’m mightily ticked off at Stephanie re: healthcare stance … but worse is having John Boehner’s orange face belching out opposition as Speaker of the House and will most likely plug my nose on that vote and cast it for H-S.
Make sure y’all vote in the down-ticket races, too. It’s just as important that we have a say in who our direct representatives in Pierre are, & there certainly are resources out there to find out a/b the candidates in your district. If you’re in District 9, vote Rob Wilson for Senate!
Detroit Lewis, I pretty much like the way you think. I know I won’t sway you (or anyone), but I think the medical marijuana initiative is a pretext, hiding behind cancer patients and such. If we’re going to legalize it, I say By God then we legalize it. I’m not sure I favor that idea, but would certainly live with the will of the majority.
Who cares, it’s just weed – Big whoop!