South DaCola

Even an Argus Leader columnist points out Noem’s deceit

Unfortunate? The only thing that would be unfortunate about Noem’s mailing is if it contributes to getting her elected.

This year’s big controversy over hunting, at least so far, involves a mailing the Noem campaign sent out. Herseth Sandlin’s people are not happy. The mailing indicates that Noem has gotten an A rating from the NRA. The mailing contrasts that A rating with a D rating that Herseth Sandlin received from the Gun Owners of America, a group more militant than the NRA when it comes to gun rights. The mailing also links Herseth Sandlin to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and it indicates the speaker got an F rating from the NRA – a distinction of honor in Pelosi’s hometown of San Francisco. By extension, you’re supposed to think, Herseth Sandlin must not be in the good graces of the NRA.

What the ad doesn’t say is that Herseth Sandlin won the NRA’s endorsement. In a story by Roll Call, NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam called it “unfortunate” that Noem’s mailing insinuated Herseth Sandlin didn’t get its coveted endorsement.

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