7 Thoughts on “Guest toon w/The Post

  1. Costner on October 14, 2010 at 2:11 pm said:

    They missed my favorite part of the “story”… the two warrants issued for Noem’s arrest and the six failure to appear notices.

  2. Ya know, in all fairness for top speeds I can’t say much, my record is 127 in a 55. Of course I had the sense not to get caught.

  3. 130 in a 65, didn’t get caught either, and it was in Minnesota.

  4. rufusx on October 15, 2010 at 6:37 pm said:

    Speaking of driving fast in “foreign” states – There were no REAL upper or lower speed limits in California – you are just pretty much required to go with the flow, so….. never really even paid attention for about 15 years.

  5. When I lived in Seattle everyone drove 80 MPH bumper to bumper on the freeway in a downpour. And you didn’t dare slow down or speed up because you would get run over. And the cops didn’t care, they went just as fast. And it still took forever to commute.

  6. “….. it still took forever to commute……”

    You realize of course – that’s because freeways aren’t designed to handle HIGH VOLUMN TRAFFIC. So, when “rush hour” comes along – they don’t work well – even when the drivers on them are accustomed to the conditons through years of practice/exposure. Imagine what woulod happen when a “rush” of several thousand vehicles driven by people with little to no experience driving in such conditions tried to enter an Interstae from a “conveniently located” Events center “out by the Interstate.”

    Sorry for the cross-posting on subjects.

  7. Costner on October 16, 2010 at 7:24 pm said:

    The digital display on my old sportbike read 156 at one point, so yea… I can’t say jack about the top speeds either.

    I’m also privy to a few speeding tickets (three or four) but the last one was in the late 90s so I guess I grew out of that phase. However I did actually pay my tickets, and I surely never had bench warrants issued for my arrest.

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