South DaCola

I think this is a case for Scooby and the gang

In a strange turn of events, Steve Hildebrand, head of BUILD IT DOWNTOWN sends a detailed message to the mayor and city council. Seems it little odd, doesn’t it? Considering Steve’s consulting firm worked for Huether and got him elected. Why not pick up the horn and say, “Hey Mike, why not do the economic impact study first?”

There is something weird going on, all this ‘professionalism’ is making my hemorhoids flare up.

I emailed Hildy the other day, asking him to contact me to chew the fat about the Events Center. No response. Maybe I sent it to the wrong email, or it got spammed. Not sure. So I will reiterate, Steve, email me so we can chew the fat about this issue.

And BTW, I know what you are thinking – I was very gracious in my email.

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