Great minds think alike, I guess 🙂 I wondered how Noem managed to not mention Herseth’s ‘A’ rating with the NRA in this lastest mailer.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “I thought the exact same thing (H/T – Madville Times)”
  1. This is just a blatant lie on Noem’s part. I hope SHS is sending out mailers of her own to set the record straight.

    Is this the level Noem has to resort to in order to win? Blatant fabrication?

  2. “First vote in Congress will be to fire Nancy Pelosi as speaker.” Judging by Noem’s stated goals, she might as well just resign after that first vote. What else will she have left to do?

  3. Not to mention that vote is a moot point. I’m pretty sure the GOP will take the House so Pelosi won’t be speaker either way with or without Noem.

    Even if the Dems do somehow manage to keep the House, and if Noem wins – she won’t even get a chance to “fire” Pelosi because it is a simple yes or no vote and the Dems would more than likely vote her in again (although I personally feel she should step down and do her party a favor).

  4. I wasn’t even going to post this until I saw Cory did. I started laughing when I first saw it and thought to myself, “Who believes this ridiculous crap?”

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