South DaCola

Is Rep. Deb Peters (Dist. 9) dodging public forums? Seems so.

Voters have a Right to See the Two Candidates Debate the Issues

Sioux Falls, SD — District 9 Senate Candidate Rob Wilson has challenged his opponent, Rep. Deb Peters, to a public debate after Peters skipped the forums sponsored by the Argus Leader Editorial Board and the League of Women Voters. The debate will be held at 5PM Friday, October 29th, in Sioux Falls at the MariCar Community Center, 400 N. Valley View Road. On October 14th, 2010, Wilson spoke with Peters to discuss the possibility of having a debate somewhere in the district. After trading calls and emails for over a week, Peters responded in an email October 24th that Friday the 29th would work, going so far as to say, “Anyway – if you still think you can pull off this debate, I will be there.” Wilson said, “Talking with voters throughout District 9 has made me realize just how much voters want to be heard when it comes to issues they care about. Voters in District 9 deserve to have a candid conversation with their candidates for State Senate. It would be a shame for voters to get cheated out of their chance to grill us side by side.”

I find this a little humorous, but not surprising. This is the normal game Republicans play when they are ahead in the polls, avoid confrontation. Why? Because they have no solutions, and they hate to be questioned about solving problems. Oh, and they are weasels.

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