11 Thoughts on ““It’s not about my legacy! It’s not about my legacy!” – Mayor Huether

  1. Yes, Haircut 100 now calls the downtown group a “special interest” in his effort to bash them while at the same time claiming to be “huge supporter” of downtown.

    The primary point of this group is “Return on Investment”, so if that’s “special interest” to the Mayor then it’s patently obvious we elected the wrong guy.

    You can always tell how big a lie he’s trying to tell by how much he starts waving his hands around.

  2. i saw a sign today at stogies that said something along the lines of “downtown or not at all”. does that mean that if tim kant doesn’t get his way, this thing won’t get built at all?

  3. S – Better be careful, or Kant will show up to the council meeting and start beating on the podium yelling “Get rid of those kids!”

    ‘then it’s patently obvious we elected the wrong guy.’


  4. Stupid Kant…always expecting (and usually getting) what he wants.

  5. Poly43 on October 25, 2010 at 5:02 am said:

    Speaking of Kant. Been to his place a few times over the years. People watching with friends over a few beers mostly. I can say I’ve never felt real comfortable in that place. Mostly people in designer clothes, fashion bein the key to anything and everything. My favorite was a couple seated outside one night with the trophy botox babe carryin around a little designer doggie in her designer purse, while her daddy warbucks partner sucked on a 9″ cigar gesturing like “hey, look at me.” Hey, I love my dog as much as the next guy, but usein em as status symbols? Give me a f’in break and the dog one while yer at it. I see a lot of that DT, at least relative to the “urban sprawl” places.

    Sy, you wonder why I don’t particularly care for it down there? That’s my number 1 reason. Closest thing that makes me feel comfortable DT would be Edsalears. Where I really feel at ease is places like Shenanigans, Rookies, Buffalo Wild Wings, Champs….places like that.

  6. While I partially agree with the D-Baggery that goes on at Kant’s establishment, I will still admit I love DT. I don’t go to his place because of the aforementioned. But I will say I love living DT. I love the restaurants (Parker’s and Sushi Masa are the best restaurants in town) and it still has a bohemian feel if you are willing to pull back the layers.

  7. Here’s the deal Poly, one of the primary reasons I am so gung ho on a downtown EC is that it will bring in a better balance to downtown as a whole.

    You bring the Stampede and Skyforce down there, you will need at least a couple more places like places you mentioned, along with another hotel or two, and all kinds of new shops that won’t necessarily be like those on Phillips. Hell, I’d like nothing more to see a reincarnation of the Pomp room down there and that’s anything but a white collar venue.

    Like you said before, Joe Sixpack wants to go see his monster truck show and he will hopefully have a good enough experience that he will want to come back when there’s no show scheduled.

  8. Ghost of Dude on October 25, 2010 at 10:20 am said:

    Poly – While Kant’s establishments tend to be douche magnets in the summer, going inside stogeez when it’s too cold out for the people who make you uncomfortable is actually kind of nice. Plenty of sports on the TV and comfy seating.
    There are plenty of other places DT you might find more comfortable – Falls Landing and Michelle’s come to mind. Wiley’s isn’t bad either on the right night.
    AN EC down there will only bring mre such establishments.

  9. what is the story on kant? i know he ran for council years ago and lost, but where did he come from? how did he make his money? and why does he seem to be the one running things downtown?

  10. Pathloss on October 26, 2010 at 7:43 am said:

    Didn’t Nostradomus mistake Huether for Hister?

  11. On this point Kant is correct, and he’s in line with people of all political stripes who have looked at this issue comprehensively.

    If we are going to invest $100 million or more, we simply must do it where it will yield the best ROI.

    BTW, Kant got his signs made from his beer distributor. The official ones feature L3wis’ logo and you should start to see those popping up.

    Also, that Poll you guys were wondering about is from KELO/Argus Leader. They are going to release the Event Center numbers this weekend, but rumor has it the downtown location only polled about 25%.

    Not surprising, since there’s no official comparision on economic analysis between the two sites, and the one the Mayor has agreed to will be slow played and/or fudged.

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