South DaCola

Did Mr. Scherschligt get put on the spot?

Put on the spot (Photo: Jay Pickthorn / Argus Leader)

Is Jeff trying to angle a ‘deal’ for himself on the taxpayer’s dime, and when he can’t get his way, he bails (or pretends he is bailing);

At the Parks Board meeting, Scherschligt said his group was ready to act immediately and that five or six downtown businesses had pledged an amount from $1 million to $10 million.

But Scherschligt balked when he quickly reviewed the purchase agreement that Peska put in front of him Thursday.

“My estimate is it changes the price from $2 million to somewhere over $3 million,” he said. “Obviously, our group is doing this on behalf of the community. We don’t have a plan. So to be honest, we think that’s a little unfair.”

Scherschligt said that if the community wanted the property used for something other than TJN’s facility, it would have to “come up with that extra money.”

Huh? Jeff, you said you had up to $10 million to buy the land. So why are you opposed at spending $3 million for the property? Which by all accounts is it’s real value.

“Don’t think this is a theatrical stunt,” he (Bernstein) said of the surprise purchase agreement.

John Morrell’s isn’t going anywhere for awhile. Let TJN purchase the property and use it. (if you are pressed for time, FF to 55:00, this is where the fireworks start).

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