I encourage everyone to watch this latest Listening Session (the EC discussion starts at about the middle of the program).

It was brought to my attention that Mike keeps saying that a ‘Vast Majority’ of the public supports the EC – rumor has it he gets this assumption from his campaign polling. Will Huether ever release those polling results to the public?

By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Mayor Huether’s Events Center Dancy Prancy”
  1. As far as I’m concerned ANYONE debating WHERE has the cart way in front of the horse. Either side, convention center or DT, is making a mistake if they think those that don’t want the damn thing at all won’t have a say in this.

  2. There is a telephone push poll floating around, apparently originating from somewhere in Southern Cal. The first question is rating mayor mike. Another question concerns the EC being DT. My 86 year old mother got to that part and hung up. DT’ers claim they know nothing about it’s origin. Yeah…right.

  3. Where should we locate something that we can’t afford, people dont’ want and reallocates resources from things the community really needs? In SF its an event center. In Aberdeen its a library. I both cases its a poll of one, a mayor, that seems to be lost in the fantasy.

  4. Why not put the EC on the great big chunk of land called the lyon fairgrounds? Free land, lots of room, easy to keep having a fair to obey the gift restrictions.

  5. Poly43 – How is that a push poll? I think asking someone’s opinion on a public official’s job performance is pretty standard and unless they’re including questions like “would you be more or less likely to support an events center if you knew the mayor was a secret warlock?” it’s not a push poll. It’s just a poll.

  6. Build it Downtown has no budget as of now, so I can tell you with 100% certainty it didn’t come from there.

    Huether also knows damn well the best return on the investment will come from a downtown site. He’s admitted this in private and publicly claims “there’s no bigger supporter of downtown than me” Well pissing on that area for a $100 million investment is what he considers “big support” I’d like to show him exactly how big a supporter of his haircut I am.

  7. @Dukembe. That site was on the original list of 6. It was eliminated because the City didn’t own the land nor could they even try to buy it.

    And even though it’s next to two interstate exits, access still sucks and there’s nothing around it worth hanging out for.

  8. GoD:

    “Why the hell is he so stuck on that godaweful location?”

    Huether is from Yankton. He thinks small and he thinks convenience. He talks a good game on economics and business, but in reality he’s never really risked his own money nor has he faced any serious consequences for failure.

    He has aspirations for Tim Johnson’s seat and he figures if he’s seen as “The Mayor who got the Events Center built” he will ride into DC as easily as he rose up the Premier Bankcard ladder.

  9. Build it Downtown has no budget as of now


    At least not one that’s on paper. Under the table???? Hildebrand is a career political advisor. Push polls and political advisors go hand in hand.

  10. He has aspirations for Tim Johnson’s seat and he figures if he’s seen as “The Mayor who got the Events Center built” he will ride into DC as easily as he rose up the Premier Bankcard ladder.

    On that we agree. Not bad considering out track record the last few weeks. 🙂

  11. At least not one that’s on paper. Under the table???? Hildebrand is a career political advisor. Push polls and political advisors go hand in hand.

    Do you really think Hildebrand would pay for the poll out of his own pocket?
    If anything, Huether ordered this poll to be done so he can actually have some numbers to point to in the future. The nature of the poll, at least as you’ve described it, seems to be pushing people away from a DT location.

  12. Do you really think Hildebrand would pay for the poll out of his own pocket?

    Did I suggest that? I said, IMHO, under the table money.

    The nature of the poll, at least as you’ve described it, seems to be pushing people away from a DT location.

    That was my first impression too. But when asking Mom just how that wording was in regards to the “Events” Center, I was led to believe it was a push poll for the DT site. Believe me, if I thought it was a poll by the huether gang, I’d be the first here jumpin on it.

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