I encourage everyone to watch the (entire) Council Meeting. It gets really interesting when councilor Jamison suggests we should study the downtown location. Entennmen and Litz go on a tirade about how DT will not work and the money isn’t there to study that location and suggests other’s pony up. Well guess what Jim, there is a rumor that that just might be the case. Local businessmen are pledging large amounts of money towards the DT effort.

3 Thoughts on “More discussion on Downtown EC tonight!

  1. A vast majority of people who want the dt location. ate dt property owners. That includes Steve h.

  2. rufusx on October 5, 2010 at 8:32 pm said:

    The people who want the DT location come from all parts of the city – and outside the city. I doubt that as many as 15% of the 1400 members of the Build It DT group are DT property owners. What all the people mthat support a DT location DO have in common is an understanding that it’s the ECONOMICS of DT that make it a better location. Essentially – it will be less a financial burden on the citizens of the city if it’s DT.

  3. I will admit that a part of me was against a DT location until I attended a ‘Police’ concert a few years back in Omaha at the Qwest center. And I walked out of the place after the concert and barhopped my whole way back to my hotel room DT. What an experience. We can have that in SF.

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